Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse

Covers and Illustrations

Various Illustrations and Images created for both to be included in the film and also Social Media promotion

Miles Morales

I ended up doing more than 100 designs for Mile’s New Suit. We wanted to embrace the character’s creativity and iconography, while also creating something that felt entirely fresh for him.

These are some of the highlights from the several month process.

Gwen Stacy

Gwen was a much simpler assignment, we never wanted to stray too far from where she had been with her first costume.

All I really did was add some new elements to bring a bit more of that pop punk look to her and fine tuning of the details.

Spider-man 2099

Arguably the character and design I spent the most time on in the Production; almost a full year and a half of work spread out.

He would end up being a great indicator of what I was learning on the movie but also a test for myself to adapt and rise to the challenges of making a sequel

Jessica Drew

The other character that I started on on my first day, but ultimately this would be a design I just could not figure out


coming soon

Peni Parker and SP//Dr

coming soon


coming soon


coming soon


coming soon


coming soon

Spider Society

coming soon


coming soon

Uncle Aaron

coming soon

Rio Morales

coming soon

Gayatri Singh

coming soon


coming soon


coming soon


My Adventures With Superman